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Digital Alfa is commited to providing innovative tech solutions for our clients that fulfil the highest standards for information security, data privacy & legal compliance.

Our dedication has been proven by achieving the ISO 27001 Information Security Management certification, which means that our organization is employing the highest standards in managing the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or other information entrusted by third parties.


In order to protect the information and assets of Digital Alfa International and its information system from various threats (computer fraud, espionage, hacker attacks, viruses, floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.) the Management Team of the Digital Alfa has approved ​​the security policy that sets goals and fundamental principles for establishing effective information security system.


The Management Team is directly responsible to provide clear and concrete support in the implementation of security policy and monitor its application in daily operations by delegating responsibilities and establishing an appropriate organizational structure.

To meet the security goals, it is necessary to take measures and implement security controls to protect and ensure the three basic principles for information system security:


Confidentiality – protecting information from unauthorized disclosure and access.

Integrity – ensuring accuracy and completeness of information and information assets. 

Availability – ensuring only authorized users will access to information and information systems whenever they need.